In general cand ajungi la o nunta la care sunt invitati trei sau patru cantareti celebri cu nume precum Loredana Groza iar la biserica vine insusi Episcopul nu te astepti sa fii prea mult bagat in seama ca videograf. De cele mai multe ori e un exercitiu de tupeu si curaj sa propui mirilor sa iasa la o sedinta video intre biserica si masa, ce sa mai vorbim despre un Trash the Dress. Dar nu si de data asta!
Ne face o mare placere sa ne amintim cat de bine ne-am inteles cu mirii si cata energie pozitiva au transmis invitatilor pe tot parcursul nuntii. Pe chipurile celor doi s-a vazut cu adevarat faptul ca se iubesc iar naturaletea gesturilor, relatia cu invitatii si timpul petrecut pe ringul de dans au facut din acea zi o reusita si o amintire cat de poate de placuta. Avem si o distinctie pentru Cristi, a fost cel mai prezent mire pe ringul de dans pe care l-am avut in zece ani de cand filmam nunti, nici nu prea l-am vazut la masa si cred ca a dansat aproape toata seara incontinuu – bravo!
Ca de obicei ar mai fi multe de zis dar din fericire fiind videografi de meserie o putem face si prin imagini 🙂 asa ca facem o incheiere multumind mirilor pentru colaborare si incredere si le dorim succes pe toate planurile, dragoste fara sfarsit si nu in ultimul rand sanatate!
Usually when you get to shoot a wedding where there are three or four famous singers invited like, for example, Loredana Groza and you get to have the Bishop hold the wedding ceremony you don’t really have big expectations in terms of collaboration with the couple, never mention the after wedding session which is most often canceled or postponed forever. But not this time!
We’re glad to say that we remember this wedding as being one of the best in terms of getting along with the bride and groom, with them sending a huge amount of positive energy to all the guests throughout the day. You could clearly see that they loved each other and that also made our work mush easier and a real pleasure. We also have a prize for Cristi, he’s certainly the most active groom-dancer we’we ever had since we started working ten years ago. Did he ever sit down we wonder? Good Job Cristi!
As usual there is much more to say but luckily we can help the story with a nice video so, to wrap it up, we thank Cristi and Cristina for having us there, for trusting us with their wedding material and for their collaboration! We wish them great success in every domain, neverending love and, last but not least, a long and healthy life together!
With love/Cu drag, Media B