Stiti ca exista mai multe motive pentru care oamenii se casatoresc, unii mai “ca asa trebuie/asa se face” si altii mai “din dragoste”? Denisa si Denis sunt cu siguranta in aceasta a doua categorie si sincer cuvintele nu sunt suficiente pentru a descrie modul in care se priveau in acea zi.
Am asteptat cu nerabdare aceasta nunta, stiam ca va fi superba dar nu stiam ca vom filma si pe Transfagarasan, ceea ce a fost o idee excelenta din partea mirilor, mai ales ca Denis este un pasionat al drumetiilor montane.
Le multumim pentru increderea incordata si pentru ca au fost atat de frumosi si indragostiti in fata camerelor (si nu numai). Casa de piatra si iubiti-va mult!
There are lots of reasons why people get married, some fall in the “it has to be done” category, some in the “true love” category. Denisa and Denis are certainly in this last category and word can’t do justice to the way they looked at each other on their wedding day.
We’ve been waiting for their wedding to come, we knew it would be awesome but we really didn’t know that we would travel to the Trnasfagarasan for the afterwedding shots, which was an excellent idea from the couple, especially as Denis is passionate about mountain hiking.
So we send them a big THANK YOU for having us there and for being so cute and in love in front of the cameras (and everywhere) and also best wishes and a happy life forever together!