Andra + Jesse | Clip Nuntă Riviera Maya | Mexic

What better way to spend your december than sipping a cocktail on the beach with 30 degrees C outside? Especially when you know how cold it was when you left home and got on that long flight toward MEXICO, baby! Oooh yeaaa!

Amazing sunrises every day (timezone difference, seen them all), blue water, palm trees, good cocktails (again), exotic animals and birds of which we could only identify flamingos and those pesky iguanas 🙂 But seriously, even with all the distraction, the wedding got most of our attention. And what a wedding it was! It’s been a long time since we had so much fun with the guests and especially the wedding party. We miss you all and all the fun we had together those few days!

A big thank you to Andra and Jesse for trusting us and making this whole experience possible! Thanks for all the positive feedback and new friends we made there! We wish all of you sunny days up there in Canada and give a kiss to little Carter on our behalf!

Exista oare alt mod mai grozav de a-ti petrece luna decembrie decat savurand un cocktail la marginea marii pe 30 de grade? Mai ales cand stii ce frig ai lasat acasa cand te-ai imbarcat pe lungul zbor spre MEXIC? Ooo daaa! (nu prea exista :P)

Rasarituri superbe (le-am cam prins pe toate din cauza fusului orar), mare albastra, palmieri, cocktailuri (din nou), animale exotice din care am reusit sa identificam doar flamingo si iguanele alea enervante 🙂 Dar cu toate astea, la modul cel mai serios, nunta ne-a captat aproape toata atentia. Si ce mai nunta a fost! A trecut ceva timp de cand ne-am distrat atat de tare cu invitatii si mai ales domnisorii de onoare. Ne e dor de toti si de toate zilele frumoase pe care le-am petrecut impreuna!

Un mare MULTUMESC lui Andra si Jesse pentru ca au avut incredere in noi si au facut toata aceasta experienta posibila! Multumim pentru toate cuvintele frumoase si pentru noii prieteni pe care ni i-am facut cu aceasta ocazie! Va dorim tuturor zile insorite si frumoase acolo sus in Canada si nu uitati sa-i dati un pupic lui Carter din partea noastra!

Cu drag/with love,
Media B Team.

Locatii: Riviera Maya, Mexico
Foto: Media B

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