Aveti in fata dumneavoastra una dintre cele mai asteptate si distractive nunti din sezonul 2019, nunta absolut epica dintre Diana si Cosmin (#eusipiticu), pe care i-am avut si la un Save the Date dragut si amuzant – locatia faptelor: Timisoara si imprejurimi 😀
Ne simtim privilegiati sa fi avut atat de multe asemenea evenimente bine realizate si bine planuite in ultima vreme, iar la aceasta petrecere putem spune ca am fost ca acasa, cu o colaborare excelenta din partea mirilor, atat pe cadrele mai romantice cat si pe cele “dezlantuite” pe ringul de dans si nu numai.
Invitatii au fost putin spus la inaltime, dovedind ca cei doi au o familie frumoasa si o multime de prieteni care ii pretuiesc si care le sunt alaturi in orice moment.
Avem toate motivele sa credem ca viata va continua la fel de frumos pentru ei asa ca nu ne ramane decat sa le dorim “casa de piatra” si multe “funny faces” micute prin jur cu care sa sarbatoriti 1 iunie ca prima data 😛
We present you one of the most highly anticipated and joyuful weddings of the 2019 season, the epic wedding between Diana and Cosmin (#eusipiticu), a couple we also had for a cute and funny Save the Date in Timisoara.
Of course we can’t help feeling privileged to have had so many well planned and well organized events in the last few years, and this one in particular felt like home for us, with an excellend collaboration from the wedding couple, both for the romantic parts of the movie but also for the wild dance floor activities. 😀
The guests were wonderful, proving that the two have not just a beautiful family but also a lot o friends that cherish them and stand by their side in every moment.
We have all the reasons to believe that life will continue the same good way for them so all that’s left is to wish them good luck and to have many little “funny faces” around to celebrate the 1st of june with 😛