Beatrice + Flavius | Clip Nuntă Craiova | România

Realizat intr-un stil diferit de cel cu care v-am obisnuit pana acum si care, trebuie sa recunoastem, a inceput sa ne placa, clipul de mai sus este rezultatul unei colaborari frumoase intre noi, echipa video si cei doi miri, iar filmarile au inceput intr-o calduroasa zi de august…

Nu vom mai vorbi despre cat de cald a fost, nici despre cat de frumoasa a fost muzica sau cat de buna a fost mancarea. Va vom spune in schimb ca am vazut o foarte mare atentie la detalii, atat la pregatirile de nunta cat si la detaliile de la restaurant sau chiar alegerea restaurantului in sine, Smart Pub Events. Si chiar daca nu a fost suficient timp pentru o sedinta video cu mirii in ziua nuntii, am recuperat gratios la cateva saptamani distanta iar rezultatul ar trebui sa fie la inaltimea asteptarilor, mai ales ca la inaltime a si fost filmat, pe Transbucegi 🙂

Multumiri si felicitari deosebite mirilor pentru implicare si colaborare, inclusiv in alegerea piesei! Stilul este unul romantic pentru clip si cel mai probabil romantic si in viata lor impreuna asa ca incheiem cu traditionala urare iubiti-va mult! si multa sanatate si succes pana la adanci batraneti!

Made in a slightly different style, one that we have to admit is starting to grow on us, this wedding clip is the result of a beautiful collaboration between us and the wedding couple, an everything started on a warm august day…

We wont talk about the heat, the beautiful songs or how good the food was. Instead well talk about the attention to detail and the great choices that the couple made in organizing their Big Day. Lots of flowers and sparkling lights for sure! And even though there wasnt much time for a video seesion with just the two of them, we more than made up for it with the after wedding love the dress mini-shoot. 🙂

A big Thank You to the couple for their attention and collaboration, even when it came to choosing the sountrack! We went for a romantic style this time and most certainly its also the style of their relationship so lets end in this note, wishing them a life full of love, laughter and great success, for Happily Ever After!

With love/Cu drag, Media B

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